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Introduction to BIXS-V1.5: Software

The software ran on the BIXS-V1.5 avionics systems was developed by the avionics team at Space Technology Laboratory. The system was designed to meet a specific mission profile which means that this is not a general purposed flight computer of all scenarios of applications.

Source Code

The official source code repsentation of the software is available at the following link:

Software Design Principles

The software design principles of the BIXS computer are based on the following,

Software Architecture

Setup and Initalization

Loop and Update

Directory Structure

Development Environments

The development of the software was done in the following environments,

API Documentation

The API documentation enables engineers and manager to better understand the sources code in the systems. To better the understanding of the documentation, the software engineer design the API documentation as the following manner.

#define BAUDRATE 9600

void setup() { Serial.begin(BAUDRATE); }

## Sensors
### Sensor Initialization 
- Name: Sensor Initialization
- Scope: Initalization Function
- Properties: None
- Parameters: None
- Concept: The function is used to initialize the sensors. The function is invoked by the set-up function.

##### API
void Alt_Init(); //Altimeter initialization
void IMU_Init(); //IMU initialization